Learning materials can be accessed more effectively by children using augmented reality in education. Ultimately, it offers the opportunity to transform educational institutions themselves. Instead of blank spaces, they can become vibrant spaces filled with new information. With AR in education, virtual objects can appear in real-world environments, creating a powerful incentive for creativity. The platforms of this type can change the nature of learning itself. The opportunity in question should not be wasted. In the end, it preserves the attention of children for longer periods of time. In what ways can AR be used in education? Do not hesitate to use it for improving all learning processes.
What is Augmented Reality in Education?
The virtual environments of AR are often associated with gaming or, at best, communication (such as Snapchat). When it comes to mobile devices, games such as Pokemon Go and Witcher: Monster Slayer receive the most press attention. However, the situation is very different in the end. Augmented reality can also be used effectively in education, just like it can be used for gaming. Consider the possibility of your math teacher being able to demonstrate concepts directly in the classroom. Point the camera at the location and you’re done. As well as relevant 3D models, AR provides other strong components. Therefore, augmented reality in education has a very bright future.
How to use AR in education?
AR can be used in a variety of ways in education. What are some ways you use your augmented reality app? The first step is to use it to display some spatial information. A biology class, for instance, allows you to perform a virtual dissection. The use of a real animal in class and resorting to violence can be avoided in this way. Additionally, it’s an excellent tool for creating an effective virtual classroom. Using this method, you can create an environment filled with AR elements. As an example, some books and their authors can be showcased in this way. As you can see, there are many options available to you in this case. Over the next few years, augmented reality is likely to play an increasingly important role in education.
Why Augmented Reality is Important in Education
In educational establishments and businesses, AR technology is making inroads, despite many teachers sticking to traditional methods. In education, what is augmented reality, and how does it impact student performance?
In the absence of visuals or relatable examples, students have difficulty comprehending theoretical information. Students are unable to understand many concepts as a result. As a result, augmented reality applications are able to transform information visually and create order from chaos.
There is scientific evidence to support it
According to a recent study conducted with Cape Town students, teaching with augmented reality engages students more deeply and improves learning indicators. A study was conducted to determine how augmented reality applications affected learning motivation. There was a significant increase in the factors motivating attention, satisfaction, and confidence.
According to the TOJET study, augmented reality will continue to be used in education in the future. Compared to traditional teaching methods, AR technology demonstrated a positive impact on knowledge retention.
Benefits of Augmented Reality in Education
Educators have already discovered that augmented reality applications have many benefits in education. Here are the main ones below!
Augmented reality in education: advantages and disadvantages
- Materials for learning are available. Students often need to study outdated information or research information themselves at home because educational institutions lack up-to-date teaching materials. You can display interactive data in an AR application by downloading the latest data.
- Virtual equipment is accessible. An augmented reality application can provide a 3D model and explanations of specific equipment when it is necessary to explore and learn how to use it. By doing so, traditional learning materials are given a practical edge.
- A higher level of student engagement. Immersion helps students learn the material more deeply, making it seem more real and relevant. For many people, this is a significant change of pace and an exciting experience.
- Learning is faster. It is possible to reduce the overall learning time by presenting information in a new way. Therefore, niche topics can be examined in depth and practiced more effectively.
- Practices that are safer. Anatomy lessons, for example, can now be taught through software instead of dissecting real animals. Without harming anything or using dangerous tools, students get the same level of practice.
The use of augmented reality in education
Do you wonder how augmented reality can be used in education? AR applications can solve many problems in a wide range of fields. Let’s explore how augmented reality can be used in education.
In schools, augmented reality is being used
How does AR work in schools? During lessons, this application can be used for better representation of the material. Science subjects such as biology, anatomy, physics, and even math can be explored interactively and engagingly by school students. A classroom app with augmented reality can also help develop children’s creativity by simulating different cases that are hard to explain.
Augmented reality in college
A university can benefit from augmented reality solutions regardless of whether students want to study humanitarian sciences or technical sciences. An AR app representing the human body inside and out can help medical students learn anatomy and practice examining the body. Several universities also use augmented reality to teach engineering, math, design, astronomy, and other subjects.
The use of augmented reality in the classroom enhances the learning process and makes it safer for students. The technology allows students and university property to be protected while conducting experiments like combining different chemicals without harming them. In addition, AR applications can be used to help students organize university events and to engage in creative activities in college.
AR for distance learning
Due to the pandemic, distance learning has become very popular over the past few years. As a result of this and other reasons, online education will likely continue to be used throughout the world even after the situation stabilizes. In addition to receiving the necessary materials and collaborating with other students and teachers in real time, augmented reality applications can serve as a convenient platform for online learning.
In addition, distance-learning students are not always required to have a teacher explain the material to them. In a good app, the theory can be explained in a short or detailed way along with interactive practice. As a result, students can study independently at a high level in the location that is most convenient for them.
AR in Education: Use Cases
In education, augmented reality is used in several prominent ways that demonstrate its effectiveness.
Education about children’s safety. The AR technology was used in more than 80 kindergartens in China as a way to teach children all the basic safety rules and develop self-awareness at an early age. Children will be more likely to remember and apply such vital information if they are taught in this interactive manner, suggest organizers.
Western University uses augmented reality. Students at Western University will be able to swim with sharks through an AR project funded by Unity Charitable Fund! In addition to learning how sharks view and behave up close, this is an ideal learning experience for students-biologists.
Arts & Cultures on Google in the classroom. Students’ excursions to museums, exhibitions, theaters, etc., have become much more challenging during a pandemic and quarantine. Virtually tour the world’s most famous museums, attend a ballet production, and even visit different countries with this application from Google.
The use of augmented reality is not limited to any of the fields mentioned above. Custom AR applications can be created considering your learning needs and provide a top-notch learning experience that will blow away any existing curriculum
Wrapping Up
You should consider implementing AR in the classroom if you want to improve your students’ learning. Students can learn a great deal about technology through it, for example. Take advantage of the technology today and become a leader in its use. It would be a good idea to use the help of experts in this regard. In regards to augmented reality in education, Carmatec can provide you with all the necessary assistance. Are there any questions you would like to ask about AR in education? Let us know what you need, and we’ll do our best to provide it!